Literally few minutes ago I’ve managed to setup magithub. And I love it! Had a little time to play with it more but creating/editing/deleting issues work excellently. This was the feature I was lacking the most from my Emacs experience.

But before playing with it more I want stop and blog how to configure it. Since I’m using 2 factor authentication on github and I’m on OSX things might not be so simple. Those instructions might prove to be useful in future.

Generate a personal token in github

First, as the magithub’s documentation instructs, generate a personal token in The required scopes are repo, notifications and user.

Store it as a plain text under ~/.authinfo:

machine login YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME^magithub password YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN

Replace YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME the github’s login and YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN with the just generated token.

Install magithub

(package-install 'magithub)

(use-package magithub
  :after magit
  :ensure t
  :config (magithub-feature-autoinject t))

Now it is possible to use magithub. Open the magit status buffer in a any repo that has origin pointing to The list of issue should be visible from the magit’s status buffer:


Encrypting the token

GPG setup

For security reasons the token should not be stored in a plain text file. I’ve managed to encrypt it and have it manually decrypted using gpg2 package from Homebrew.

brew install gpg2

Generate a key:

gpg --gen-key

You’ll need to provide some data and a password. Note: if there’s an error “Inappropriate ioctl for device” at this step try the workaround mentioned here.


In Emacs do M-x epa-encrypt-file and point to the file ~/.authinfo. A new buffer with the list of keys will open:


Put the cursor at the key’s line and call epa-mark-key command. To finish hit RET on the OK button.

A pop up window asking for the password should show. Just input the password that was used when generating this key and you’re good to go.

A new encrypted file ~/.authinfo.gpg should be created.

Tidy up

Remove the old ~/.authinfo.